Moving items across categories


All items that have been created in a marketplace must be under at least 1 category. In other words, an item cannot exist without a category. 

If you wish to shift items from one category to another , you should do so by shifting only the parent item. 

The only way to do this is via API. More details can be found here.

Changing the Category IDs in the request body will OVERWRITE the item's current categories it belongs to.


So if an item belongs to Category A, Category B and Category C, and you want to change Category A to Category D, then the request body should look like this:

URL: api/v2/merchants/{ { merchantID } } /items/{ { itemId } }
Method: PUT
Auth:  Bearer { { merchant-token } } or Bearer { { admintoken } }
	"Categories" :[
			ID: "category_D_id"
			ID: "category_B_id"
			ID: "category_C_id"

Omitting categories B and C will simply remove the item from them.