Overview of Custom Fields
This guide covers
- The basics of Custom Fields
- How to associate the Admin portal and User portal through Custom Fields
- Why are Custom Fields essential to data manipulation?
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Guide Article
What are Custom Fields?
The features of Custom Fields allows Marketplace admins to customise the type of item fields for sellers to fill in during the item upload process. Custom Fields is a powerful tool that you can use to allow sellers in your Marketplace to show certain important information about the items they are selling.
This guide will walk you through the entirety of Custom Fields, particularly on:
- How to create Custom Fields
- What parameters are required and using them on both Admin and User interfaces
- Showing you how to declare Custom Fields, how to call, and get information on specific custom fields and allocating them to specific Users
At the end of this guide, you will be able to learn the flexibility of Custom Fields and how you can implement them on both the Admin and User interfaces.
Let’s begin:
- Go to your Admin Folder’s code
- Set up one html and javascript file (similar to the Video 5’s guide)
- Creating the Custom Field from the Marketplace Admin input instead of creating it on your Developer’s dashboard
Important Note
Essentially, it takes an input from the Admin’s interface and creates an Implementations Custom Field and stores its data. One highlight about Custom Fields is, when you create them on the Admin interface, they can be accessed and located on the User’s Interface.
Let us take a look at the User side code.
In the images below, the example contains one javascript file and three php files. The admin token and call API php files are both identical to the previous guides. By going through the script, when the document is loaded, the script will locate the exact custom fields created by the Admin. Upon finding any Custom Fields, they will be displayed at the bottom of the page. You will be able to check and select which custom fields you want to create on your specific account.
What happens is the Custom Field PHP file creates User Custom fields instead of the Implementation Custom Fields, after obtaining both the Admin ID and Admin token. This means that no matter which user is logged in, the Admin ID and Admin token can still be obtained to perform these functions but will not be displayed to the User.
All Custom Fields must be initialized with a value, however for this particular plug-in it will do nothing with those values. This is one characteristic of Custom Fields - its flexibility and functionality.
For developers, the dynamic nature of Custom Fields allows you to make limitless functions and implementations and therefore you are able to manipulate and implement various data specific to a particular task.
Important Note
No CSS should be used for this task. Install the plug-in onto your marketplace. Any data that you input in the “Data” field will result in the plug-in generating a new marketplace Custom Field for you.
Using Postman in the above example, the “Custom Fields” entry shows that this Merchant has two custom fields associated with it - “test” and “test1”.
- In the Marketplace’s homepage, select “one” and “two” and click Create. The script will generate two custom fields.
- Next, perform the same action by selecting “one”, “two”, and “three”.
- Reselecting already-created custom fields will have no changes
This means that only the new custom field “three” will be created because you have already selected “one” and “two” previously. (ie. double-entry)
Now that you understand the flexibility custom fields can be and how to implement them on both the Admin and User interfaces.
In the next guide, we will be going over another form of data manipulation called Custom Tables on Arcadier’s platform.