Product updates

We are constantly adding and enhancing our platform with new features.
Check out our updates here.

Features Updates

Express and Enterprise

Password Rotation – Consumers and Merchants are required to change password according to the password lifecycle configured by the marketplace Admin.

Item Flags – Admins can set marketplace items/listings to accessible, searchable, purchasable, visible.

Maintenance Page – Admin can now set a maintenance page while the items accessibility (Item Flags) is off.

CKEditor to version 5 supported on About Us page, Policies (Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Return Policy, FAQ (edit)), Item Add/Edit page (Item Description) & custom fields text editor

Arcadier branding update.

Patch Notes

User Settings


User Settings fix: White screen displayed when accessing the page

User Settings fix: White screen is displayed when user is trying to link offline payment method

User Settings fix: White screen is displayed when accessing the page


Marketplace Onboarding

Marketplace Onboarding fix: No hyperlink for "Privacy Policy" in the marketplace onboarding page.

Item List Page

Express – Spacetime / Enterprise – Spacetime API

Item List Page fix: Clicking on the "Create new item" button and the "Edit" button, only a blank white page is displayed

Admin Item List fix: Item searchability not working

Admin Item List fix: The Visible (Homepage) and Visible (Storefront) are not working properly.

Admin Item List fix: When turning Active toggle button to off, checkboxes for Accessible, Searchable, Purchasable, and Visible (Homepage/Storefront) are not disabled

Admin Item List fix: Able to purchase even if purchasable on admin is unticked.

Admin Item List fix: Ticking and Unticking the Visible (Homepage) and Visible (Storefront) checkboxes does not change the status when refreshing the page.


Meta Items

Express - services marketplace, booking and listing themes

Meta Items fix: Unable to create meta item despite completing mandatory fields.



Express and Enterprise

Categories fix: Previous value on description field is being retained upon adding a new category



Express – retails goods

Searchable fix: item is not displayed as a result even if Searchable checkbox is ticked


Purchase Orders


Purchase Orders fix: Stuck in loading upon clicking purchase orders in admin portal


Item Details Page


Contact Supplier button fix: Negotiation button is stuck in loading when clicked and upon clicking 'contact supplier' text link it stays on the page instead of redirecting user to chat details page

Item Details page fix: Item Description is displayed as HTML Code


Quotation Flow


Create Quotation Page fix: Send Quotation button continuously loads upon sending a quotation.




Order Details Page fix: blank page is displayed when accessing the order details page.


Admin sidebar

Sidebar Menu fix: The maintenance page sub menu is not visible on the admin sidebar.




Cart Page fix: Different behavior once Item is set as Active = NO

Cart Page fix: The checkbox is not disabled when the item added to cart is item with variants even when the purchasability of the item is unticked in admin item lists

Cart Page fix: "You are unable to select the item to checkout." red toaster message is displaying upon clicking pay now button even when the item's purchasable is ticked and the active button is toggled to 'yes'


Cart Page fix: Unable to untick item entries added to cart


About Us

Admin About Us fix: Styles formatting does not take effect when applied



Admin Policies Page fix: Styles formatting does not take effect when applied


Create, Add/Edit Item

Item Add/Edit page fix: Styles formatting does not take effect when applied

Admin Item Edit page fix: Text Editor custom item fields is displaying the old version of CK Editor


User Register/Login Page


Login page fix: Waive button is not working properly. Upon clicking, user is not redirected to their respective landing pages

Login page fix: Skip button is not clickable

Admin Login page fix: Skip button is not working properly


Merchant Login fix: Orange Toaster Message is not displayed when redirected to Merchant Dashboard


Mail Logs


Admin Email Logs fix: Set a password EDM is not sending and not reflected on mail log


Homepage Layout


Homepage Layout fix: 'Cannot access the requested page!' appears when attempting to access the homepage layout


Merchant Storefront

Express – retail themes

Merchant Storefront fix: Item Is Not Displayed as a Search Result Even if Their Searchable Checkbox Is Ticked


Purchase Orders


Purchase Order Details Page fix: Missing PO number, item description section and computation table




Admin Invoice Details Page fix: Incorrect "Total" and "Total Paid" values are displayed.