Product updates
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Features Updates
Reviews & Ratings
Buyers can leave a review and feedback for the seller after the transaction is completed. Each seller has a rating which is displayed on their storefront which helps other buyers determine the credibility of the seller. Sellers can reply once to each order review by accessing the orders page in their seller portal.
Improved Bulk Shipping
The improved bulk shipping allows the seller to set up bulk shipping cost to incentivize buyer to buy more than 1 item from the same merchant.
Total delivery = Single item delivery (highest from A) + individual ‘with other item’ surcharge (B for each item)
Multilingual Capabilities
Add new language translations for all site headers on your marketplace and choose which language will be the default.
Contextualise the default translations that Arcadier provides for the site headers of your marketplace.
Set up your Google developer account to enable Google Translation and help your sellers translate their listings.