Product updates

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Features Updates


Patch Notes

Core features/enhancements

·       Order history list should show 1 row per order ID (instead of 1 row per item)

·       Ability to view failed transaction details

·       Custom fields removed from relevant category filter(s) to reflect update on item details page and item creation page

·       (Spacetime)Enhanced Admin transaction details page for rental/services templates

·       (Spacetime)‘Cancelled Order’ EDM is translatable and editable on Email template

·       (Spacetime)New bookings that have passed the booking date will automatically be marked as completed (will not affect previous bookings, only the ones created after this release) 


·       fixed a bug with Received Order EDM not displaying delivery address, delivery name and delivery costs when email customization is disabled

·       fixed a bug with Purchase History List page displaying only a couple of transaction from upcoming and ongoing/past tab

·       fixed a bug with Admin Edit Text modified text reverts to source word upon revisiting or refreshing page

·       fixed a bug displaying “[object Object]” for delivery method and add on amount

·       fixed a bug not translating ‘ADDRESSEE LAST NAME’ from Checkout Delivery page

·       fixed a bug causing Bookings per session value to decrement upon checkout

·       fixed a bug displaying incorrect Item Price and decimal place

·       fixed a bug not displaying new transactions on Purchase History list

·       fixed a bug not displaying the icon for Purchase History header

·       fixed a bug displaying First name and Last name on Seller Name field from Purchase Details page

·       fixed the server error redirection to Checkout Review page

·       fixed a bug displaying asterisk after embed video title in Edit Item page toggle for custom field is not required

·       fixed a bug from Spacetime mobile chat details page missing buyer display name

·       fixed a bug displaying ‘Bulk Costs’ on Received Order EDM when EDM customization is enabled

·       fixed a bug for missing translation keys on user pages Purchase History Details and Order Details

·       fixed a bug displaying Item Name and Variants translation that was not save by seller

·       fixed a bug displaying zero seller count on New Seller Sign-up EDM

·       fixed a bug displaying ‘null’ value on Chat Details page upon creating and declining offer

·       fixed a bug not allowing guest users to change language of the marketplace

·       fixed a bug not reflecting edited item name with variants in History Details page and Cart pop-up

·       fixed server error page when changing language to Hebrew

·       fixed a bug not translating Service Duration, Order Status and Item when using Chrome browser

·       fixed a bug pulling incorrect value on Order Total column in Order List

·       fixed a bug stopping user to export CSV for Failed Transaction when using Firefox browser

·       fixed a bug of incorrect display on Invoice, Order and Item Details CSV

·       fixed a bug with Invoice CSV showing empty Buyer ID column

·       fixed a bug displaying gray text upon clearing Calendar Picker for Item List, Failed Transaction list and User List

·       fixed the overlapping Display Name and Notification email from Admin User List

·       fixed a bug displaying failed transaction ‘Created’ payment status in seller Order List and buyer Purchase List

·       fixed a bug not retaining selected filter for Merchant and Payment Status from Failed Transaction List

·       fixed a bug on Booking List page for # of items found not updating when search is no result

·       fixed a bug in Purchase Details page Order Status not updating when seller update status on Order List

·       fixed a bug showing incorrect timestamp on Chat, Purchase and Order Details page

·       fixed a bug from Review Checkout page prompting an error message upon click of ‘Proceed to Payment’

·       fixed a bug not translating variants from Upload/Edit page

·       fixed a bug on Admin External Links not allowing user to save additional header links

·       fixed a bug displaying ‘NaN’ on Total Purchase Cost from Admin Transaction Details page

·       fixed the display issue of uploaded image in Admin Edit Item page

·       fixed a bug not displaying Transaction ID when selected payment method is Omise

·       fixed missing button display in Chat Details page for Spacetime mobile using Theme 4

·       fixed a bug retaining filter options from Transaction List upon revisiting Admin portal

·       fixed a bug stock not decrementing after failed checkout is transferred to Transaction List as a successful transaction

·       fixed wrong redirection from Review Prompt EDM

·       fixed a bug listing failed transactions in Transaction List page

·       fixed a bug on disabled items being checkout by consumer

·       fixed a bug displaying an extra column in Order CSV

·       fixed a bug on icons of Twitter and LinkedIn not displaying on Footer page

·       fixed a bug not translating ‘FILTER SERVICE START DATE FROM’ Bookings page

·       fixed a bug displaying error toaster message when logging in user using mobile for Spacetime

·       fixed a bug with not receiving Welcome Mail and Acknowledged Order EDM when email customization is enabled

·       fixed the missing check box button from merchant Add Item page when using Android device

·       fixed a bug not displaying all items in Your Item List when using an Android device

·       fixed a bug with merchant Dashboard page not displaying correct view count of Top Viewed items

·       fixed a bug displaying marketplace URL on Offer Declined EDM

·       fixed a bug no Review Prompt EDM received and no logs in Admin Mail Log

·       fixed a bug of wrong counter and pagination on Transaction List page

Frontend Template (For Developers only)

·       Transaction history (Buyer, Seller, Admin): Giving the values a separate div from the field headers

APIs (For Developers only)

·       Partial Refund APIs (Not documented yet)